2024 Northern Swing


  • Anderson  (8) (C)
  • Parker        (12)
  • Geraghty   (19)
  • Bridgman. (19)
  • Nattie         (19)
  • Hochreiter   (19)


  • Reed          (8) (C)
  • Stoddard  (11)
  • Draper      (15)
  • West          (18)
  • Christie     (20)
  • Waters.     (20)

Bluff Point Golf Resort

75 Bluff Point Dr.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

(518) 563-3420

GAME: High-Low, Within the foursome, the lowest of the low receives 1 point. The lowest of the high receives 1 point. Ties receive 0 points. 

WHITE/GOLD  5926 yards,  RED/GOLD 5239


Play off low handicap in the group. Winning team gets 1 point for the overall match. ½ point for a tie.

Tee Time Foursome
#1 Noon Stoddard / Reed  vs. Parker / Geraghty
#2 12:07 PM Draper / West  vs. Anderson / Nattie
#3 12:15 PM Waters / Christie vs. Bridgman / Hochreiter

Bluff Point Golf Resort

75 Bluff Point Dr.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

(518) 563-3420


Ryder Cup: No handicaps apply until hole 10. Holes 1 – 9, Traditional Scramble; each team picks a best drive and team plays from that spot thru the hole. Holes 10 – 18 handicaps apply with the net team aggregate for each hole.

WHITE/GOLD  5926 yards,  RED/GOLD 5239


Each hole is awarded 1 point unless there is “no blood”. The winning team of the match is awarded 2 points for the team competition.

Tee Time Foursome
#1 8:00 AM Draper / Christie vs. Bridgman/ Geraghty
#2 8:07 AM Stoddard / Waters vs. Anderson / Parker
#3 8:15 AM Reed / West vs. Nattie / Hochreiter

Bluff Point Golf Resort

75 Bluff Point Dr.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

(518) 563-3420

GAME: Net Skins – Team Thunder Low Score VS. Team Lightning Low Score hole by hole. 

Match Play. Net Skins, no validation and no carry over. Match is worth 1 point for the win and ½ point for a tie.

WHITE/GOLD  5926 yards,  RED/GOLD 5239


Tee Time Foursome
#1 2:00 PM West / Waters  vs.  Parker / Nattie
#2 2:07 PM Reed / Draper  vs. Anderson / Bridgman
#3 2:15 PM Stoddard / Christie vs. Geraghty / Hochreiter

Bluff Point Golf Resort

75 Bluff Point Dr.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

(518) 563-3420

GAME:   IRISH FOUR BALL: Best net ball of each team twosome against the other team twosome on pars 4 and 5’s. AND on all par 3’s each team will count the sum of the two net scores vs. the sum of the opposing team to determine the point.

WHITE/GOLD  5926 yards,  RED/GOLD 5239


Winning team gets 4 points for the overall match. 2 points for a tie.

Tee Time Foursome
#1 8:00 AM Draper / Waters vs. Anderson / Geraghty
#2 8:07 AM Stoddard / West vs. Parker / Hochreiter
#3 8:15 AM Reed / Christie  vs. Bridgman / Nattie